Eagle Island Camp
Financial Assistance
Eagle Island believes that camp is a life-changing experience that should be accessible to many rather than a few. On average 35% of our youth campers receive some level of financial assistance.
The financial aid application includes open-ended questions on financial need so we can get a complete picture of a family's situation. There is no guarantee we will be able to meet every family’s request for assistance, however, we strive to make camp affordable and are committed to working with families to find practical financial solutions that work for them. Our financial aid committee will evaluate each camper’s need and situation individually. We will consider the following information:
Timeline of the application submission – funds are limited so we will be accepting requests on a first-come basis — we encourage you to apply early!
If your camper is a returning camper or a new camper;
Total number of campers attending Eagle Island in one family**;
Residential location of the camper;
Amount of assistance requested; and
Answers to open-ended questions.
The Process:
After you register your camper through CampDoc, you'll have a registration health profile to complete, which includes a section on financial assistance. This section begins with asking if you would like to apply for financial assistance. Select "Yes" and the form will appear for you to complete.
Once you complete the application in your Campdoc health profile***, we will follow up to determine your financial assistance award, and your balance, and discuss a payment plan if necessary. Families will receive communication on aid within two weeks of a completed application. A $150 deposit per camper is required upon registration. We understand the deposit payment can be a large amount of money at one time. Please let us know if you’d like to set up a payment plan for your deposit by reaching out to Executive Director Danielle at dlacavalla@eagleisland.org.
Families have two weeks from the award notification to accept the award or withdraw their registration. All deposits and payments toward tuition are fully refundable within this period if the award doesn’t meet their financial needs. After the two-week window, deposits become non-refundable. If you need assistance with completing any part of your camper's profile, please do not hesitate to call or email us at dlacavalla@eagleisland.org.
Financial assistance awards will be determined on a rolling basis so register early!
**Families with more than one camper will need to complete a separate application form for each camper. You may copy and paste answers from one of your camper's forms to a sibling.
***Eagle Island may require additional information to support your financial assistance request. This may include providing supplementary income documents.
Full Tuition/Final Payments are due on or before May 15. If you have not paid in full after May 15, we will not be able to secure your camper’s spot at Eagle Island. For families registering after May 15 and requesting financial assistance, please reach out to Executive Director, Danielle at dlacavalla@eagleisland.org.
Please note that Eagle Island Camp is located in upstate New York on Upper Saranac Lake, approximately a 2.5-hour drive from Albany, a 6-hour drive from New York City, and a 5-hour drive from Buffalo. Currently, we do not provide transportation to and from camp, but we are happy to discuss transportation options, make introductions for car-pooling, pick up campers at the local bus station (in Saranac Lake, NY), etc.