Camper Led News Paper - The Eagles Eye

  • Content Creation

    Campers work together to decide what to include in that week’s edition of the Eagle’s Eye Newspaper. Will they include poems, short stories, puzzles, ads, or a feature article all about this week’s all camp game?

  • Creative Writing

    Short stories, poems, and long form articles are written and compiled by campers. We have seen amazing submissions of fictional stories of all lengths. Counselors help campers develop their story structures so they are ready to be published!

  • Interviewing

    Campers take on the role of reporters while developing questions to ask various staff members. After guiding the conversation, campers craft what they learned into articles for the paper.

  • Drawing & Comics

    No newspaper would be complete without the comics section! Campers draw and write their own comic strips for the Eagle’s Eye.

  • Advertisements

    Campers even draft their own fake ads with witty captions and illustrations to make our newspaper feel even that much more real.

  • Editing

    Once all the submissions are in campers work together to edit each other’s content for grammar, and spelling before the paper goes to print.