Eagle Island Day Camp at
Bloomingdale Elementary School
General Info
8:00 am drop off at Bloomindale Elementary
4:00 pm pick up at Bloomingdale Elementary
* We will be checking photo ID against the submitted list of authorized people EVERY check out. Please have your ID ready.
Bagged Lunch
Water bottle
Sunscreen and Bug Spray (if you signed the authorization)
Full Change of Clothes (we may do some water play - you may chose to also send a bathing suit)
Day Pack/ Backpack to carry items
On Tuesday Aug 20 and Friday Aug 30, in addition to the above:
Swim Suit
8:00 am Drop Off and Playground time
8:15 am morning meeting while eating (snack packed by families - not provided by camp)
9:45 - 11:45 Morning Programming
12:00 Lunch (packed and provided by families)
12:30 Turtle Time (slower activities/ Quiet time/ rest)
1:30 - 3:30 Afternoon Programming
3:45 pm Playground Time
4:00 pm Pick Up
Eagle Island Camp needs this form completed for every camper attending the program: